The arrows that injured my uniqueness and led me to my True Self

Tension in my throat and my shoulders show me that they are my wounded parts. Hurtful comments and rejection of my uniqueness were the piercing sharp arrows that hit me.
The injury is old, and many arrows have taken aim in childhood, but I was too young and naïve to notice, I did not know any different. In adulthood I’ve spent years looking for solutions on the outside, avoiding the wounded self.
The body was not the only victim of the arrows that tried to kill parts of me, my identity was the biggest victim. I became a case of mistaken identity, pretending to be someone I was not. My need to fit in and be accepted paid a price.
As I notice the psychosomatic wounds I feel immense gratitude for the relentless intensity of their unpleasantness. It is a calling that can not be ignored. Only by paying attention to those wounds do I begin healing them.
The suffering experienced in my body became the gift of awareness and courage essential in the search for my True Self. The somatic calling is guiding me on a wonderful spiritual journey that transcends fear and suffering.
Try this: Take a deep breath and scan your body. Is there a sensation, a feeling or a thought that is calling your attention? Notice its gift to you by becoming mindful of its message.
Vana Papagianni
Further Reading: # Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: Daily Practices to Honor Your Emotions and Live with Confidence by Lindsay C Gibson